Shipton Mill Dark Rye Flour 25Kg


Shipton Mill Organic Dark Rye Flour (Type 1370) is a wholemeal rye flour used to make dark rye breads. Some Master Bakers use dark rye flour for making the “sponge” used in traditional rye doughs.

Taking the rye flour they leave it to soak and ferment and by carefully controlling this process, bakers develop to precise levels the amount of acetic acid and lactic acid which gives flavour and keeping qualities to the finished bread.

Suitable for any recipes requiring a dark rye flour. If you’re new to baking with rye, be aware it creates a stickier dough than with a strong wheat flour, so it will handle differently. Rye tin loaves (whether sourdough or yeasted) are a good starting place if you’re just getting to know this grain, as the tin will help with the shaping process. Also delicious blended into mixes for biscuits and cookies where you’re looking for that delicious earthy rye flavour.

Allergen information – This product contains gluten.

Weight 25.1 kg


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