Monosodium Glutamate 10Kg


SKU: £37.00+VAT Categories: , , ,

Umami Ajinamoto 10Kg originated from the fermentation of sugar cane, it is the special touch that enhances the flavor of food without salting. It can be used in all savory foods, before, during and at the end of dishes. Aji-no-moto® does not change the color and does not salt the preparation. It recovers the flavor of food lost during cooking and/or freezing. Try using it in soups, sauces, vegetables, meats, pasta and other everyday preparations, the dishes will be much tastier. Usage: 1 teaspoon of Aji-no-moto® = 3 to 4 servings. Use Aji-no-moto® to taste, when preparing or serving. Storage conditions: Keep in a dry, ventilated place, protected from light.

Weight 10.1 kg


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